HITCHIN IN AUGUST (by Phil Barron, all photos my own) I particularly love insects and flowers and so August is always a good month with plenty to see. Maisie's Meadow (near the Three Moorhens) One particular tree I often inspect is a Turkey Oak at Maisie's Meadow and I found this furry-looking weevil there showing off its magnificent nose. It spends most of its life within an acorn, only breaking out as an adult. I disturbed a nice Treble Bar Moth which is associated with St.John's Wort plant (of which there is plenty in the meadow). Easy to spot was a cinnabar moth caterpillar (on Ragwort), but there have not been so many to spot recently and I haven't seen an adult at all this year. Mulleins are a biennial and are impressive plants also known as Aaron's Rod and usually flower before August, but this one was in bloom (might be a slightly different variety to the usual). I notice that Steve & his volunteers have been busy cutting the meadow for hay, this...