Hitchin Wildlife September 2021

Hitchin Wildlife September 2021 The September wildlife spotting season was quieter than summer, but still some lovely finds from the Hitchin area. Maisie's Meadow & Jazz's Orchard (near The 3 Moorhens) , on the left a Two Spot Ladybird, quite a rarity in Herts but they keep popping up here, and on the right a Cream Spot Ladybird, these both love to eat aphids. The Two Spot Ladybirds are sometimes black with red dots, somewhat confusing. Two more, on the left the rather small but lovely 22 Spot Ladybird which feeds on mildew and on the right a 10 Spot Ladybird which has very variable colouring making them tricky to identify,... this one (like a lot of so-called 10 Spot Ladybirds) does not have 10 spots... A final pair of ladybirds, in this case both Harlequins, in fact these are two photos of the very same beetle. On the left is the ladybird just emerged from its pupal stage and is less than a day old and on the right after 2 more days the colours have changed dramatical...