Hitchin Cemetery June 2022

Hitchin Cemetery June 2022 The cemetery in June was looking about at its best, with sunshine, flowers and the buzz of insects. For the first time two guided tours took place, each lasting about an hour, which gave people a chance to see inside the chapel, look at some notable graves and find out about some of the wildlife and why the cemetery is an important asset to the town. There are two more tours planned this year on Sunday 17th July 2022 at 14:00 and Friday 12th August 2022 at 10:30. Meet at the chapel, no need to book. The cemetery plays host to a wide variety of plants and animals and in June there are some stunners to see. Starting with some pretty flowers, there is a Sarle family grave which was cleared of long grass over winter and sown with seeds from the Buglife charity. These two photos show how it was at the start of June and at the end. Hopefully if any relatives visit they can find the grave and would approve. The yellow Corn Marigolds from the Buglife see...