Hitchin Cemetery July 2022
Hitchin Cemetery July 2022 At the start of July the cemetery was still looking fairly green, with some lovely flowers benefitting from the longer grassy conservation areas with Wild Carrot, Knapweed, Lady's Bedstraw, Ragwort and many others. The third cemetery guided tour took place on 17th July with the highest attendance so far. Twenty six people enjoyed the tour (although I had Covid & had to leave the tour in the capable hands of the leader of the Cemetery Friends group, Veronica). During July we also were visited by a representative from the Council for the Protection for Rural England because we have been nominated for a community award and we will find out later in the year if we are successful. One of the improvements in recent years has been the introduction of borders, planted by the Cemetery Friends group, and the taller plants were attracting the eye... Bear's Breeches and Hollyhocks Blue Globe Thistles, which in particul...